Local Stories

Join us "Behind the Greens" to discover the true meaning of golf, from those behind the scenes at Australia's top golfing facilities.

More than a just game, golf creates community, facilitates friendships and offer mental and physical health benefits. Here, we talk to some of the leaders, characters and great storytellers at clubs around Australia to understand, what golf means to them.

Jess, Biodiversity Manager, Grange Golf Club.

Bringing the environment and golf together through revegetation, weed control and sustainable plant management practices might sound like a pipe dream to some, but it’s all in a days work for Jess Abercrombie, Biodiversity Manager at The Grange Golf Club. This is her story.

US Mid Am Champ, Lukas Michel, on the iconic Melbourne Sandbelt

The Melbourne Sandbelt. Volumes have been written about the history and architecture of this exceptional piece of golfing realestate, but how does it really compare to other prestigious courses around the world? @lukasmichel 2019 Mid Am Champ (yep, that means he has played Augusta National) gives us some insight to why there’s nothing quite like the Melbourne Sandbelt.

95 Year old Kevin Kieren

A member of Grange Golf Club for over 50 years, 95 year old Kieren has learnt a lot of golf. In a game that is unpredictable as life, enjoyment of both is found in not ‘throwing clubs’ or worrying too much about bad shots. This is what golf means to Kevin.


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Ben Jarvis, Director of Golf at Royal Melbourne Golf Club.

To us golf is so much more than hitting a little white ball into a hole a (very) long way away. It’s about the people, the friendships, the community and the ups and downs of a good/bad round. Ben Jarvis, Director of Golf at Royal Melbourne Golf Club tells the story of his time working in this great game.

Better than Banking – Ian ‘Henry’ Lawson

A few years back Henry made the transition from banking to green keeping and is plenty grateful for it. Behind the greens at Royal Adelaide Golf Club for a chat with Ian ‘Henry’ Lawson.

Dayle Marshall is the Membership and Communications Manager at Metropolitan Golf Club

“Being on the golf course is freedom… It’s an opportunity to escape whatever might be going on in your world.” Dayle Marshall is the Membership and Communications Manager at Metropolitan Golf Club and proud member of Kingston Heath. This is her story.