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No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy, completeness, or relevance to the user’s purpose, of the information and those using it for whatever purpose are advised to verify it with the relevant source.

No warranty is given that the information is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination, nor that access to the website or any part of it will not suffer from interruption from time to time, without notice.

Any links to other websites that have been included on this website are provided for your convenience only.

Great Golf Courses of Australia, their officers, employees and agents do not accept liability however arising, including liability for negligence, for any loss resulting from the use of or reliance upon the information and/or reliance on its availability at any time.

Applicability of online materials

Unless otherwise specified the materials published on our web site are presented solely for your private, personal and non-commercial use. We have used our reasonable endeavours to ensure that our web site complies with Australian law. However, we make no representations that the materials on our web site are appropriate or available for use in locations outside of Australia.

We make no warranties, express or implied that making the Products available in any particular jurisdiction outside of Australia is permitted under any applicable non-Australian laws or regulations. Accordingly, if making the Products or any part thereof available in your jurisdiction or to you (by reason of nationality, residence or otherwise) is prohibited, those Products are not offered for sale to you. You accept that if you are resident outside of Australia, you must satisfy yourself that you are lawfully able to purchase the Products. We accept no liability, to the extent permitted by applicable law, for any costs, losses or damages resulting from or related to the purchase or attempted purchase of the Products by persons in jurisdictions outside of Australia or who are nominees of or trustees for citizens, residents or nationals of other countries.

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The contents of our web site are protected by international copyright laws and other intellectual property rights. We, or other third party licensors, are the owner of these rights. All product and company names and logos mentioned in our web site are the trademarks, service marks or trading names of their respective owners, including us. You may download material from our web site for the sole purpose of using it as a information resource for our real estate services. However, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute, by any means or in any manner, any material or information on or downloaded from our web site including, but not limited to text, graphics, video, messages, code and/or software without our prior written consent, except where expressly invited to do so, for example in order to complete any test or questionnaire.